All still seems to be going well at 22 weeks along. Over the past week I have noticed more aching and pain as my ligaments are stretching and making room for this expanding person and space. I've also noticed that I really feel it if I'm on my feet too much. I hate to think that at 22 weeks I already need to make sure I'm taking the time to stay off my feet for a while each day, but I'll just listen to my body whether I think it's too soon or not.
Ella's probably toward the end of a long afternoon nap. She went to bed earlier yesterday and was up before 7. Cole really, really needs to take a nap even though he hasn't done that in years. We had to be up and out of the house earlier today to take the van to the repair shop. We need the door handle replaced on the passenger side sliding door because it broke off and we can't even open that door from the inside. We also have an exhaust leak, but I'm not sure if we'll get both of those repaired at the same time. Depends on how long it would take. We walked home from the repair shop - probably under a mile - and Ella insisted on being carried basically the entire way. I was planning to take the stroller, but of course it rained overnight and of course I left the stroller outside.
Today we made banana bread, and all three kids painted once we discovered we had big jars of power tempera paint still sitting around from when Accalia was much younger. Ella, of course, painted much of herself, but she does like to wait for me to help her to the sink to wash off so she doesn't leave paint prints everywhere.
It's a cool, cloudy day, and Accalia has soccer practice tonight. I have a hair cut after that. Cory was supposed to have a counseling session after work but rearranged his schedule when he realized it conflicted with the hair cut. Nice guy.
I think Accalia wants on the computer, so I'm going to sign off.
Totally cute ultrasound picture! (And that's saying a lot cause they all look alike :)
Oh, how wonderful! My fourth baby was my first thumb sucker and somehow it just strikes me as especially heart-melting to see your little one already smucking on his/her tiny little thumb! Huge smiles. Magical stuff. :)
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