Doing a lot of thinking lately and not so much writing. I've been thinking about
Hannah Jenner and the second anniversary of her death on the 24th, wishing Diana and family still lived in state so I could give them some real life hugs.
Apparently I've also been thinking a lot about trying to get our house clean and organized and how I always seem to fail miserably. Last night I even dreamed that
Anne and family came to visit and her husband was appalled by the state of our house. Hee, hee, hee!
That's probably my way of doing a little early pregnancy freaking out about the baby, wondering how I can manage to keep up with the house when I can't even do it with three children. Four? No problem.
Yesterday I was supposed to have a prenatal appointment, but I rescheduled it for Friday because the weather was not so great. We had rain, turning to slush, turning to snow. Cory had the joy of driving home on ice-covered roads yesterday.
Speaking of my husband, he's not especially happy with his dad. Myron called today to let me know he had shoulder surgery this morning and that he was out of the hospital and doing okay. He had neglected to call us beforehand and tell us that he was going to even have the surgery because he didn't want Cory to take off work and come up for it. Ooh, that made Cory mad. He's quite capable of heeding his dad's wishes and not coming up, but he certainly would have liked to know that Myron was having surgery today.
Lately Ella has been doing more and more role playing in her play - by herself, with her siblings, with me. I still can't understand most of what she says, but she is adding more and more words to her vocabulary. Today she had me sit beside her on little chairs in the kitchen and stare at the cabinets. I'm guessing it must have been some sort of show. Every once in a while she'd get up to open or close the cabinets and having us switch seats.
Cole's energy seems to increase each day. He continues to spend a lot of time building with legos or other construction materials, playing out elaborate scenarios with his assortment of animals or action figures, and drawing/coloring. He's also showing more and more of an interest in words - how they're spelled, what they look like, etc.
Accalia likes to have alone time upstairs several times a day, and thankfully Cole and Ella are usually able to respect this. She and Cole spend a lot of time playing together, too, but this is the first year where Accalia wants to be alone a good deal, too. She's also so proud of the things she's able to do and seems to be increasingly happy that she's "homeschooled and can do this or that because I'm not in school!"
Cory's delivering pizzas tonight. Ella has napped (turning into a habit this week), so she might go to sleep and stay asleep tonight.