There's my girl minutes after leaving the site of her dance recital. She was happy to be outside knowing our next stop was McDonalds.
Every parent talks about how much their children change, and often those changes seem so insignificant to others that they aren't even noticed.
Accalia, perhaps due in part to hanging out with the slightly-older-than-her neighborhood girls, seems to be developing more and more of an interest in primping. She's also started taking showers rather than baths. She has a particular interest in deodorant and asked me to buy her some deodorant that smells (which I did). That led to a short discussion about why people use deodorant, puberty, etc. Accalia was very excited about the prospect of all of these changes to her body.
Cole is one huge emotion most of the time. He very easily becomes upset (I wanted to get to the van first, Mom! Accalia got to the van first! I wasn't first) and spends a lot of time talking about things that have happened or asking me about things that have happened. He also doesn't want to be separated from me at all. I can't go anywhere - even a quick trip to the post office - without Cole insisting on accompanying me. Cole isn't sure he wants to see Spiderman 3 tomorrow with Cory and Accalia because he doesn't want me to be at home. He also isn't convinced that he'll be able to stay at home tomorrow while I'm at LLL even though his friends Jadon and Sarah are coming over.
Ella continues to develop quite the sense of humor. Earlier today I was trying to type something on the computer, and every time I would take my hand off of the mouse she would grab the mouse and start clicking around, hysterically laughing. She also appears to be a rightie, and at this age we knew both Accalia and Cole were going to be lefties.
Love the updates! And cute pic!
I've been having the same issue with the boys, lately! It's always a fight about who is first or who was first or who wants to be first.
I try to let them know that not everything is a competition, but it doesn't seem to sink in. Do you say anything to Cole about it?
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