
So far everyone we know of in the Minneapolis area is safe and sound. Cory's cousin's husband only works three blocks from the bridge, so we were most worried about him. Thankfully he had already crossed the bridge and arrived home before the collapse. Just yesterday morning I had been talking with someone about the Meridian Bridge that crosses the Missouri River here at Yankton and the new bridge they're constructing nearby. I mentioned that one of my worst fears is driving on a bridge and having it collapse or our vehicle somehow going over the edge. That fear of mine is part of the reason that Cory gave me a flashlight that also has a glass breaker and seatbelt cutter. Just trying to be prepared and not completely paranoid!

While I'm at it, I'll throw out the other bit of sad news for the day. We found out that the dog at the corner house (three houses down) died yesterday. He had gotten sick, but I don't know what happened. He was young and huge and energetic. When the kids and I would go for walks, we'd walk on the other side of the street if he were out because he'd bound up to us and jump on us, and I wasn't quite strong enough to push him off myself very well.

The kids went to the last story time of the summer this morning. The tradition is that after stories and a short cartoon, the kids go outside to play a few games and then the summer assistants surprise the kids by hiding up on the library roof and throwing water balloons down. The kids love it. No one came away from that too wet, though.

Tomorrow we're heading to Mankato for the weekend. Have to keep sorting laundry and start packing. Shouldn't be too difficult!

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