
It's a really, really humid day today (70 degree dewpoint), so we don't have to be out long before we're sweaty and red in the face. Today we've ended up being out quite a bit, and it really wore Ella out. This morning we had the oil in the van changed. While that was being done, the kids and I went for a walk around the downtown.

After lunch, we met up with Karine and her girls at a park now that they're home from their six weeks in Iceland and France. The kids all had fun seeing each other again, although after an hour everyone was drenched in sweat and Ella was more than ready to come home and nap.

Yesterday Cory received a letter from our bank letting him know that a $210 check I deposited for him on Saturday (one of three from his contract work) hadn't been included and that amount was deducted from the original deposit. Since Cory remembered sending all three checks with me and I remembered giving all three checks to the teller, Cory talked with the bank today and thankfully straightened it out. Turns out the misplaced check had gotten stuck with one of the others and hadn't been scanned.

I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a bit less humid for Accalia's afternoon dance rehearsal. Thankfully that's only supposed to be about an hour.

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