
After Cory finished with work on Sunday, we drove around Yankton looking at Christmas lights for about an hour. There were some neat displays, including one house that synchronized their lights to music. Cole fell asleep before we saw that, though, so I might take the kids up to that house after Accalia's dance class is over tonight.

Much of yesterday afternoon was spent wrapping gifts. We still have a few gifts to purchase, but right now we're all caught up with wrapping. Now it's just a matter of fitting all of those gifts into the van on Thursday.

Ella's napping right now - a rare afternoon nap. She hit such a cranky spot earlier and couldn't shake it. A bath didn't help. Even chocolate didn't help. Hopefully sleep helps, or else it will be a very long night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

theres nothing to do if chocolate doesn't help!!