Another weekend come and gone. It was a pretty nice one, too. Starting back on Friday afternoon after Heather and Aidan left and Ella napped...
The kids and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up Accalia's pictures and discovered that they already had their annual school supply sale going on. Isn't that crazy to even start thinking about that in the middle of July? Of course, here in South Dakota there are schools that will start in about one month, so I guess that's not too crazy to start preparing. Anyway, Accalia and I love this sale because we stock up on art supplies - boxes of crayons for 20 cents, glue bottles/glue sticks for 20 cents, notebooks for 10 cents, etc. Cory lovingly teases me, but why wouldn't you look forward to that when you have a 4-year-old who loves nothing more to sit at the table and squeeze out an entire bottle of glue onto a piece of paper? You go through a lot of glue that way!
Friday night wasn't terribly exciting. I got ready for my LLL meeting and we just hung out. My meeting on Saturday was good - three other mothers and five children. I had Ella with me as I always do, and Cory took Accalia and Cole to the beach. After lunch, we went out to add to our family by once again picking up new pet fish (this seems to be the only animal any of us are willing to take on the responsibility of caring for at this point). Accalia picked out a female beta that she named Cinnamon (or Cimmanon as Accalia tends to say), and Cole picked out a male beta that he named Little Blue Sunset. We bought a double tank so there's a divider between the two, which is smart since we're not too up on breeding betas.
After supper, we took the kids to the wading pool in town. Even though Accalia's really a little too big for it and would probably have more fun in deeper water, it seemed to make everyone happy. Saturday night Cory and I watched Deja Vu, which we really enjoyed, although I gave up trying to wrap my mind around the idea of being in the present and being able to go to the past and change what happens at the same time that you're watching the past. See, it's even confusing to me to type that. So I just didn't think about it too hard and enjoyed the movie.
Today I did a little grocery shopping with Cole and Ella right away in the morning before Accalia and Cory were awake. We ran around a little bit in the afternoon, and after supper I took the kids to the wading pool again. This little girl (older than Ella but smaller physically) came right up to me, grabbed my hand and wouldn't leave my side for about 15 minutes. She wanted me to play with her and aske me to hold her. At one point I asked her if she was here with her mommy or daddy were around since no adult had yet to even make a move toward her or show an interest in what she was doing. Finally, a woman in a bikini headed her way and resumed parenting her child. I briefly pondered why you'd show up at a wading pool in a bikini and then looked down at my own rather wet tank top and jean shorts and figured a bathing suit of some sort might have been a smart move.
Cole fell asleep early tonight, and right now it's just we three girls up. I'm hoping to get Ella to sleep soon, though. I'm starting to lose steam myself.
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