
I'm posting a lot today, aren't I? Both kids are sleeping right now, so maybe that has something to do with it. Cory's won't be home until 8:30 or so, so the kids and I are getting plenty of quality time together today.

Accalia played upstairs with her dolls for much of the afternoon. It was so strange. And Cole is usually clambering up the stairs after her, but he just wanted to stay downstairs and hang out with me. So it was almost like I had one child again. At most, Cole and I have spent maybe an hour together alone, and I often wonder what it would be like if he were an only child - how that would affect his behavior or personality.

While Cole and I were downstairs alone, I happened to turn the tv channel to TLC's A Baby Story. I started getting all choked up watching one story, and it was so strange. I never got emotional while I was pregnant with Cole watching it, although I only watched it a couple times. The mainstream, medicated, induced births drove me nuts, especially since I was planning a homebirth. The story I saw today was neat, though. The parents were both chiropractors and had a strong belief in all things natural. This was their second child, and she was seeing a midwife for a hospital birth. I think my favorite part was at the end when they were talking and she was holding her newborn son and there wasn't a pacifier or bottle stuck in his mouth! It almost seems a requirement for that scene. Oh, and I thought it was really cute that she and a couple pregnant friends had their bellies painted like pumpkins since it was around Halloween.

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