
Accalia's waiting for me to play Don't Break The Ice with her, so I have to make this quick. Cole's napping. We went to the library this morning and once again arrived when story time was going on. I really have no idea what the schedule is. It's not a bad thing that we're there for story time, but the way they do it at our library is that parents sign up for certain days and times, so kids can't just walk off the street and join in. It's good in that the size of the kiddie crowd doesn't get out of hand (as it did in Mitchell), but it's bad in that it makes it seem to exclusive if parents and kids show up who didn't sign up. And of course Accalia doesn't totally understand why she can't do what the other kids are doing. She usually sneaks in and listens to the stories, and so far no one has seemed to mind, but today must have been their last day because the librarian had treats for them. Thankfully Accalia seemed to comprehend when I told her we needed to sign up in order to have them, and she seemed happy knowing I had signed her up for the summer story time and reading program.

Okay, there was more I was going to write about but that'll have to wait until a game or two has been played.

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